جهاز مراقبة الأطفال الرقمي بالصوت مزود بوضع اقتصادي يوفر الطاقة ويقي من الإشعاع عالي التردد
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خمس إضاءات LED على جهاز مراقبة الطفل تشير إلى مستوى الصوت في الغرفة. يتميز جهاز المراقبة بشاشة LED ترصد مستوى الصوت
يوفر الوضع الاقتصادي من استهلاك الطاقة، كما أنه خالٍ من الإشعاع ذي التردد العالي في وضع الاستعداد. يعرض الجهاز إشارة ضوئية وفقاً لإعداد حساسية الصوت
يضمن أن يظل خالياً من التشويش عن الأجهزة الإلكترونية اللاسلكية الأخرى. كلما ارتفع صوت الطفل، زاد عرض الضوء
مشبك الحزام يتيح أخذ الجهاز دون الاضطرار إلى حمله بيديك. جهاز الوالدين يبقى متصلاً بالوحدة في غرفة الطفل عندما تكون خارج نطاق المراقبة
أصوات تنبيه عند الخروج من نطاق وحدة الإرسال. يمكن ضبط مستوى الصوت وفقاً لمتطلباتك لتتمكن من سماع صوت طفلك بصوت عالٍ وواضح
MBP11 works with DECT technology, the sound is clear and pure at 1.9 GHz, and the sound is transmitted encoded for increased security. It provides coverage for about 300 square meters outside and 50 square meters inside the house. It also issues an alarm when out of the coverage area. It can be obtained for about 270 Saudi riyals, which is considered a good price for an audio monitor only. Five LEDs on the baby monitor indicate the level of sound activity in the room. Eco-mode saves energy and is free of high-frequency radiation on stand-by. Ensures that it will remain free of interference from other wireless electronic devices. Belt clip allows you to take the device with you without having to keep it in your hands. Alarm sounds when you are getting out of range of the transmitting unit. You can't be with your baby all the time. While doing daily household chores, you may need to keep your baby in your crib, so that he can play safely and comfortably as you complete all your household chores. While preparing food, doing laundry, or even taking a bath, you become concerned about the safety of your little one, who is alone with his toys in his crib. For moms who can't carry their babies all the time, the Motorola Digital Audio Baby Monitor is a great device that helps them keep an eye on their babies, when they wake up, cry, or sleep. You can buy baby monitors from the sellers featured on Junglee.com. The monitor has an LED display that monitors the sound level. You can easily understand whether your child is comfortable in another room or not. The sound is picked up by the child's unit's microphone. The device displays a light signal with reference to the audio sensitivity setting. The louder the child's voice, the more light is displayed. If the device does not display any light, it indicates that the baby is calm or sleeping. The parent's device is connected to the child's unit when you are out of monitor range. Whenever you turn on this unit, you are connected to the child's unit. Whenever you go out of the maximum range, the link indicator lights up to warn you about it, so that you can come back within the maximum range. You can easily turn the baby monitor on or off by briefly pressing and holding the on/off-key. The volume of this Motorola device can be increased or decreased as it has five volume levels. You can increase the volume of the device if necessary. The volume level can be adjusted as per your requirement so that you can hear your baby's voice loudly and clearly with your toys. The light on the device flashes when it detects that battery power is low, indicating when to charge it.
يوفر الوضع الاقتصادي من استهلاك الطاقة، كما أنه خالٍ من الإشعاع ذي التردد العالي في وضع الاستعداد. يعرض الجهاز إشارة ضوئية وفقاً لإعداد حساسية الصوت
يضمن أن يظل خالياً من التشويش عن الأجهزة الإلكترونية اللاسلكية الأخرى. كلما ارتفع صوت الطفل، زاد عرض الضوء
مشبك الحزام يتيح أخذ الجهاز دون الاضطرار إلى حمله بيديك. جهاز الوالدين يبقى متصلاً بالوحدة في غرفة الطفل عندما تكون خارج نطاق المراقبة
أصوات تنبيه عند الخروج من نطاق وحدة الإرسال. يمكن ضبط مستوى الصوت وفقاً لمتطلباتك لتتمكن من سماع صوت طفلك بصوت عالٍ وواضح
MBP11 works with DECT technology, the sound is clear and pure at 1.9 GHz, and the sound is transmitted encoded for increased security. It provides coverage for about 300 square meters outside and 50 square meters inside the house. It also issues an alarm when out of the coverage area. It can be obtained for about 270 Saudi riyals, which is considered a good price for an audio monitor only. Five LEDs on the baby monitor indicate the level of sound activity in the room. Eco-mode saves energy and is free of high-frequency radiation on stand-by. Ensures that it will remain free of interference from other wireless electronic devices. Belt clip allows you to take the device with you without having to keep it in your hands. Alarm sounds when you are getting out of range of the transmitting unit. You can't be with your baby all the time. While doing daily household chores, you may need to keep your baby in your crib, so that he can play safely and comfortably as you complete all your household chores. While preparing food, doing laundry, or even taking a bath, you become concerned about the safety of your little one, who is alone with his toys in his crib. For moms who can't carry their babies all the time, the Motorola Digital Audio Baby Monitor is a great device that helps them keep an eye on their babies, when they wake up, cry, or sleep. You can buy baby monitors from the sellers featured on Junglee.com. The monitor has an LED display that monitors the sound level. You can easily understand whether your child is comfortable in another room or not. The sound is picked up by the child's unit's microphone. The device displays a light signal with reference to the audio sensitivity setting. The louder the child's voice, the more light is displayed. If the device does not display any light, it indicates that the baby is calm or sleeping. The parent's device is connected to the child's unit when you are out of monitor range. Whenever you turn on this unit, you are connected to the child's unit. Whenever you go out of the maximum range, the link indicator lights up to warn you about it, so that you can come back within the maximum range. You can easily turn the baby monitor on or off by briefly pressing and holding the on/off-key. The volume of this Motorola device can be increased or decreased as it has five volume levels. You can increase the volume of the device if necessary. The volume level can be adjusted as per your requirement so that you can hear your baby's voice loudly and clearly with your toys. The light on the device flashes when it detects that battery power is low, indicating when to charge it.
رقم الموديل | MBP11 |
اسم اللون | فضي |
اسم الموديل | MBP11 |
وزن المنتج | 340 g |
القسم | أطفال |
الفئة العمرية المستهدفة | حديثي الولادة |
محتويات العلبة | 1 x Digital Audio Baby Monitor |
عدد القطع | 2 |
العمرية المستهدفة | حديث الولادة |
شكل الشاشة | بدون سلك |